Posted by Mike in Weddings
Our first couple tying the knot is Jessica and Trevor who are getting married in gorgeous Garr� Vineyard & Winery this Sunday. These guys live in So Cal but love the Bay Area and decided to have their destination wedding here. The venue is beautiful, weather is looking promising and we just cannot wait to be part of this amazing day.
We have weddings on basically every weekend now through the end of August! It’s going to be an exciting time.
Here is a photo from their engagement session back in October to get you guys psyched about the wedding pictures we’ll post. Check back soon to see how it went!
Jessica and Trevor�s Wedding photos are here!

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We had a ton of fun shooting some pre-wedding photos for Leah and Matt last week. Their wedding is coming up in a few short weeks in Los Gatos; for our photo shoot we decided to check out some parks as well as the L.G. downtown.
These guys seemed so comfortable in front of the camera that we had trouble slowing them down! :) Some of our favorites are posted below.
We met Leah and Matt through a referral of our past clients from last year. Truly the biggest thank you we receive is when we are recommended to other couples. Thanks so much, Kitty and Will!

Thanks for a great time guys, we can’t wait until your wedding!
Posted by Mike in Personal
I did not want to make a big deal out of my birthday this year, so all the time leading up to it I tried to be quiet and not remind anyone. It looked like I succeeded, because on the morning of my birthday I did not get any calls or emails. I realized I made a mistake, birthdays are no fun without friends, but it was too late. I was sad and tried really hard not to think that everyone forgot about me.
Mike suggested that we drive out to Sausalito – one of our favorite places to visit when we’re free. With the sun shining our drive was beautiful and I came to Sausalito ready to enjoy our time. There was an Arts fare we found on the main stretch and I just assumed that we’ll go to see it. Unexpectedly, Mike wanted to go to the restroom at a caf� a block away from us in the opposite direction. I guess I could have suspected something then. When we walked into that place all of my friends were there waiting, cheering, and congratulating me with a loud SURPRISE!!! I did not expect this at all and was sooo happy to see everyone!!

A beautiful hand-made basket by Stefan in my favorite color:

Sunset on the beach in Pacifica:

Thank you so much for being there, my dear friends! And a special thank you to Mike, without whom this day would not be the same.
Some of the photos above were taken by friends.
Love you all,
Ira and Vova got married on April 17!
It was a day much anticipated on two continents: the majority of the planning happened in Russia, while daily, emotion-filled phone conferences took place between my mom, sister, and I. Mike’s duty was to calm me down and help with some of the packing for the trip.
We flew to Saint Petersburg with 2 suitcases of the warmest clothes we could find in our Californian closets. Forecasts did not look promising and everybody was really worried about the weather on the wedding day. Every day leading up to it we would wake up to find gloomy gray skies and the outside thermometer seemed stuck in the upper forties. I think a lot of people were praying for good weather, because when the wedding came around it suddenly cleared up and was surprisingly sunny and warm! It was a true blessing! Let me just add that the rest of our vacation we were wearing our coats once again.

St. Petersburg is a gorgeous old city with so many spots for photo shoots! Fortunately, my sister didn’t care to visit the traditional places that people usually visit on wedding days and let us make suggestions on where we should go for the photo shoot that followed the ceremony.
After some thinking I remembered about Mihaylovsky Castle – an old museum in the middle of the city. This great location, cooperative weather, and a beautiful couple willing to work with our tips yielded some amazing pictures. We just couldn’t stop shooting!

Overall, it was a very emotional day for everybody – the wedding of my little sister.
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