A few weeks ago we had a chance to take some casual and fun portraits of Melissa and Tim on Baker Beach. We had a ton of fun. The weather played along and although it was raining on and off for weeks it cleared up as if just for the photo shoot.
Melissa and Tim’s wedding day is coming in July and we’re truly excited for them.

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In the middle of the freezing cold temperatures we’ve had lately around the Bay Area it can definitely be hard to imagine a warm and tropical place. We’ve been fortunate enough recently to have the opportunity to take a trip to just such a climate. Jamaica!!
Natasha and I usually prefer a backpacking style of travel and to really try to see as much of each country as we can. With the busy holiday season coming to an end it was definitely nice to have a few days to unwind, spend some time sightseeing and really trying to get a sense of the people and customs of this foreign culture.
The locals there speak a dialect of English called Patois which can definitely be hard to understand. It’s not so much the words they use that are different but their accent and manner of pronunciation. To give an example of the dialect from our Lonely Planet guidebook here’s how a Jamaican would say “I just dropped my plate’ – “Dat wurtless plate jump right outa me hand! :)
It seemed the people are a lot more forward and the most random of a stranger had no problems coming right up to shake hands and ask us where we’re from. While a bit disconcerting at first, it was nice to be able to not have the social barriers often present in our culture.
Cottonwood tree in Treasure Beach:

Boat tours in Negril:

Callaloo vendor on the streets of Negril:

Pelican Bar, mile out at sea, Treasure Beach:

A quick self-portrait on a boat tour:

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Hello and welcome to the life and photography Blog of Mike Peyzner Photography!
We are Mike and Natasha and we are wedding photographers in the San Francisco Bay Area. There has been so much happening in our lives lately that we’ve finally decided to start a Blog. Here we will share our latest events and photo sessions and do our best to keep in touch with our family, friends, and clients.
Feel free to comment, call, or email if there is something we post that gets you jazzed about our latest thoughts or photo shoots. Most importantly we hope you’ll find something of interest.
Thanks for visiting!
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