A few weeks ago we had a chance to visit 3-months-old baby Lucca: he is incredibly cute, and was all smiles! It was hard to pick the favorites, just take a look:
Adorable baby parts:

Shot for scale :)

Love those adorable dimples! Sooo cute!

Love this one!

A couple of weeks ago we had an opportunity to visit baby Sam again. We haven’t seen the little guy since he was a 3-month-old adorable baby and it’s just amazing how much he grew in just half a year! We played ball, cuddled, read Sam’s favorite book and laughed a lot. Sam was a joy to be with the entire time! Here are a few of my favorites:
I love this one, looking at the big world from Sam’s perspective:

All grown up:

Love that look!

Sam started crawling not that long ago and it looks like he loves to explore!

Thanks for inviting us for another awesome session!
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A few weeks ago we shot a maternity session for Lena and her husband Alex who are expecting a baby girl. This was a present to them from a few of their friends and what a great idea it was! The photos were to be displayed as a surprise for the guests at their baby shower and we’re now reposting these shots to the blog.
Instead of shooting at their home they decided to have a photo session somewhere more urban and edgy. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of ruins here in Bay Area, so after some thinking we decided on Park Presidio which has a nice combination of beautiful trees and abandoned buildings with red brick walls.
Lena was an incredibly great sport: it was pretty cold outside, but no matter what we asked her to do, she did it without any hesitation, allowing us to try pretty much everything we wanted! It was so much fun!
There were many shots that I loved and here are a few to share now:

Loved this edgy and stylish shot:

We found some weird cages which made for an awesome background:

These guys are so cute together:

The most adorable baby shoes ever!

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This post will be re-published after March 15th! :)
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